Tag Archives: Oatmeal

Koha’s Breakfast – Sprinkles Make The World Better

12 Aug
Koha loves sprinkles :)

Koha loves sprinkles 🙂

We often have porridge in the morning for breakfast. It’s quick, easy, and nutritious. It’s also easy to customise and make seem new every day. For this breakfast I put some sprinkles on top of the oats. Koha was so excited by it 🙂

Sprinkles on Oatmeal

Sprinkles on Oatmeal


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Simple healthy breakfast: Oatmeal

9 Jul
blueberry oatmeal

blueberry oatmeal

This is what I eat most days for breakfast: oats (made with water) with blueberries, and a little stevia on top. It’s simple, nutritious, and I like it.

My theory is that breakfast is the easiest meal to make healthy. This is because most days I wake up at my own home, so there’s none of that on-the-run stress that might occur later in the day (and send me running to a vending machine or fast food joint). Typical breakfasts are also generally cheap and easy, like porridge.

Some of my favourite toppings for my oats (which I like pretty dry) include:

  • Blueberries or strawberries with stevia
  • Grated carrots, cinnamon and maple syrup (think carrot cake taste)
  • Peanut butter
  • Coconut flakes or cream
  • Yoghurt
  • Peaches
  • Ginger and stevia
  • Cocoa powder and stevia (mixed in while cooking for a chocolate taste)
  • Raisins
  • Chopped nuts and chocolate drops
  • Sugarfree jam
  • Walnuts and caramel (for decadent days)
  • Nutella and strawberries